[nycphp-talk] Installing PHP/MySQL on in-house MS server

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Tue Jan 15 10:29:39 EST 2008

On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 09:59:17PM -0500, B.A.S. wrote:

> but can get outside hosting if necessary. He said I'm welcome to install 
> PHP/MySQL on the in-house server, but I'd have to configure them myself.

Installing MySQL on Windows is pretty easy and can be done securely.  An 
important factor is setting it up the MySQL service to run as a 
non-privileged user.  My MySQL Basics tutorial page gives you step by 
step instructions on how to do that:

Same kind of drill with Apache -- run the service under a non-privileged 
user.  Though you _can_ skip Apache by running PHP under IIS if they're 
crazy enough to use that.

But I'm a fan of getting someone else to manage the servers.  One less 
thing for me to worry about.


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