[nycphp-talk] Transitioning from Beginner to Intermediate PHP

B.A.S. lists at
Wed Jan 16 22:46:30 EST 2008

Ben Sgro wrote:
> Hello,
> Yeah +1 on that. Find some stuff that interests you, and dig in. Keep 
> reading of course and in between projects
> create a sandbox and experiment with new stuff, with the goal that some 
> of that will be used in your next project.

Hi Ben,

Reading, yes. I keep a copy of the PHP functions reference on my 
nightstand and try to read about at least one new function per night. 
Hopefully more will seep in by osmosis. ;)

I do have a sandbox set up with a bunch of basic stuff that I go back 
and refer to as needed, but I really should the bar a little.

> Try experimenting with smarty outside a customers application, and on 
> the next job you get, employ it (if needed).
> I think smarty is an excellent tool, that really helps remove html from 
> php logic. Use it if you don't already.

I've downloaded Smarty a couple of times, but never got around to 
installing it. Since you're the 2nd person to mention it, I guess I need 
to buckle down and get busy with it.

> I can think of more stuff later. I'm tired, heh.

If you do think of anything, let me know--I'm all ears.

> Good luck!


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