[nycphp-talk] Transitioning from Beginner to Intermediate PHP

B.A.S. lists at
Thu Jan 17 15:30:58 EST 2008

Tim Gales wrote:
> There are a number of subscribers to this list who are knowledgeable
> and have projects.
> One idea is to join a project which uses some technique you want
> to learn. Chances are good that the developers will help
> you -- especially when you consider that they already help
> people with their understanding of PHP (and related subjects)
> on this list.

That's a great idea and one that never would have occurred to me. Thanks!

> NYPHP also has meetings. I would also suggest that you consider
> attending (if you don't already) the meetings. There you can
> talk with peers and exchange ideas and understanding.

I hope that when the days get longer and the weather warmer I'll be able 
to do exactly that. I live in Orange, NJ, so Manhattan isn't that far, 
however the closest NJT station is a local stop and the trains only run 
about once an hour (even less on the weekends). Then there's the 
question of getting back home--the train station isn't far from my 
apartment, but it's deserted at night. Being a woman I'm not real keen 
on the idea of being there after dark, you know?


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