[nycphp-talk] IE Error - The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address

David Krings ramons at
Mon Jan 28 06:47:44 EST 2008

shaiju davis wrote:
> hi All,
>  I'm having problem in IE7, when I try to take the https URL.
>  I get this error " The security certificate presented by this website 
> was issued for a different website's address".
>  I'm using VeriSign SSL.
>  If anyone has idea, please help me.
>  Thanks in advance.

Well, is it the same website and it gets reported wrong or is it from a 
different site and the error message is correct? As far as I know you can view 
the certificate information. Firefox has a function where you can see all the 
certificates and their parameters. It also allows for deleting a certificate. 
Maybe IE7 has an old one on file and comparing it to the newly issued one it 
doesn't match. Then again, crapware like IE should be simply ignored.


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