[nycphp-talk] Two part question: Shopping carts & E-commerce

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Wed Jan 30 00:02:27 EST 2008

Cliff Hirsch |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>On 9/17/07 11:09 AM, "Mitch Pirtle" <mitch.pirtle at> wrote:
>>I can't believe nobody's mentioned Magento yet:
>>That's the one I'm taking a very very close look at...
>Not production yet, last time I checked, but looks interesting.
Can anyone in NYPHP land comment on the code behind 
at this point? There is a PR effort pushing that the actual code is 
exemplary, Open Source leadership stuff, while some observers are saying 
it's already bloated and very slow for a PHP/MySql shopping cart app. 
I'm not qualified to say, and I'm not looking for any controversy, but I 
would appreciate insight that  helps me understand how much this Open 
Source project will be good for implementors vs. good for the for-profit 
entity set up to provide support when used in production.

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