[nycphp-talk] mysql: timestamp issue?

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Wed Jul 2 22:11:02 EDT 2008


I had just wanted to make sure that I wasn't crazy and my  
understanding of how MySQL (5.0.25 is my version) works was not  
flawed.  It seems from the responses here that I've got the column  
declared properly, at least.

I originally asked the question because I have a different table, with  
basically the exact same setup.  (The data titles, and editions, of  
software products, in this case the editions mean versions of a title  
on a different platform.  so the "title" might be "Photoshop" and the  
edition would be "Windows, Mac, etc.".)

What is odd is that the title table's timestamp is auto-updating  
whenever a title is modified, and the editions table isn't.  Both  
tables have only one timestamp column and the structure is very similar.

This is from the title table:

   `ttl_updated` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on  

This is from the edition table:

   `edi_updated` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on  

I'm checking out my code now to see if there's a difference in the  
editions update form vs. the titles update form, but both forms run  
through the same framework.

Very odd...perhaps just an idiotic mistake of mine somewhere.



Le 2 juil. 08 à 18:01, bzcoder a écrit :

> Marc Antony Vose wrote:
>> Hi there.
>> I exported this create table statement from an existing table of  
>> mine.  I was just wondering if someone would enlighten me as to why  
>> my "edi_updated" timestamp column is not auto-updating when a  
>> record is updated?
> Well, my guess would be because your code tells it not to.  For  
> example,  if your using some nice object oriented code, where you do  
> something like:
> -----
> // set some edition id value
> $ediid = 123;
> // load the edition data
> $myedi = new editionClass($ediid);
> // set a 20% discount - ideally this data should actually
> // have come from someone, ie entered on a form perhaps
> // by the user
> $discount = .80;
> $newprice = $myedi->getField('edi_price') * $discount;
> // update the price of the edition
> $myedi->setField('edi_price', $newprice);
> // update the record
> $myedi->update();
> ----
> or if you prefer a condensed coding style:
> ------
> // get the edition
> $myedi->new editionClass($ediid);
> //set the discount, ideally this is provided by a user instead
> // of hardcoded
> $discount=.80;
> // make our changes and update the record
> $myedi->setDiscount($discount)->updateRecord();
> ------
> The above generates a long update clause such as:
> SET EDI_TITLE='$this->edi_title',
> ...
> EDI_UPDATED=$this->edi_updated,
> ...
> WHERE EDI_ID = $this->edi_id
> (though of course, your using the safer syntax where you bind the  
> variables instead of writing it out directly - it's just easier to  
> write this way)
> In which case, since your code explicitly specified what the update  
> timestamp should be(and since you did not change the value, it is  
> the original timestamp) the field will not be updated.
> Just a guess though, since I don't have your code here. :-)
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