[nycphp-talk] Returning users from whiniest they came

Steve Manes smanes at
Fri Jul 11 11:03:13 EDT 2008

Daniel Convissor wrote:
> You misunderstand what http referer does.  In addition, be careful of 
> what some other folks have posted in this thread, they're 
> misunderstanding your situation, so may confuse you further.
> Here are several key points:
> * it is set by the browser
> * it gets sent in the HTTP headers when requesting a page
> * it indicates the URI a hyperlink was found on

Daniel's #1 is an important point and one reason why I avoid relying on 
HTTP_REFERER at almost all costs.  Because the browser sends this it 
means it can be spoofed.  Worst case, it's like allowing a potentially 
tainted global variable into your application unless you're very careful 
about vetting it.

In my pre-PHP days, in fact my very early web days circa 1995, my web 
server got hacked because of a cleverly configured, spoofed HTTP_REFERER 
I was using to regulate access to a vintage motorcycle image archive and 
provide a back link.  I learned a lotta security lessons from that 
episode, including not to trust ANYTHING the browser hands me.

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