[nycphp-talk] PHP caching (not opcode)

bzcoder bzcoder at
Mon Jul 21 16:30:26 EDT 2008

Patrick May wrote:
> Tom,
> Perfect caching is indeed what I am after.  Knowing that you work at 
> Y!, I understand why you need to throw boxes at the problem :)
>     With anything else, you need to weight whether or not you need it and
>     if it is worth the overhead of implementing it.
> Definitely.  I want the api to be simple enough to be useful.  The 
> pure file-based caching is dead simple, and extremely flexible.  The 
> tags-based system has rewards, but also drawbacks (like the need for 
> the backend to run php).  I'm trying to get some feedback to find the 
> right balance of simplicity and features.

Even pure file based caching uses tags. 

You have to go from:

To saving a cached file to /some/path/to/my/cache/somecachefile

You can embed your tags in your filename convention

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