[nycphp-talk] nested set tree sorting

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Thu Jul 31 02:06:59 EDT 2008

Hey there:

I had a category structure that was previously limited to two degrees,  
but I've decided that I want it to be able to grow however it needs  
to.  I has been using a "parent" field previously, and I converted it  
to be stored using a typical nested set model, so that I could achieve  
display with a single database query, and so forth.

I now have a slight problem, which is that I would like the categories  
to be alphabetized in each level.  Has anyone previously tackled this  
problem before, and have some sample code to rebuild the entire tree,  
but alphabetize or sort the entries in each level?


Marc Vose
Suzerain Studios

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