[nycphp-talk] comparing arrays to build query?

Kristina Anderson ka at
Sun Jun 8 09:14:33 EDT 2008

I think I didn't explain correctly --  the remote zip and the 
employer's zip are two different values, if a job is in a different 
location from where the employer lives then that field will be 
populated.  This would be a ton easier if they were the same value or 
if I had the luxury of redoing the database structure, which I do not 
at this stage of the game (right before deploy).

If anyone has any suggestions, thanks!

-- Kristina

> On Saturday 07 June 2008, Kristina Anderson wrote:
> > I have three tables, an Employer table, a Provider table and a Jobs
> > table.  Each Provider (worker) has up to nine zip codes and a 
> > metro area which contains all the zip codes in their city which is
> > their "service area".
> >
> > When they log on, I need to display only the Jobs in any of their 
> > codes.
> The easiest thing would be to always populate the zip code in the 
> table.  Don't call it "remote zip", call it "job zip" and populate it 
> you create the job whether it's the same as the employer's zip or not.
> SELECT * From Jobs INNER JOIN Employees ON (Employees.EmployeeID = 
> $EmployeeID) AND ((Employees.zip1 = Jobs.jobzip) OR (Employees.zip2 = 
> Jobs.jobzip) OR (Employees.zip3 = Jobs.jobzip))
> or let's say you want to show the employer too...
> SELECT * FROM Jobs INNER JOIN Employees ON ((Employees.EmployeeID = 
> $EmployeeID) AND ((Employees.zip1 = Jobs.jobzip) OR (Employees.zip2 = 
> Jobs.jobzip) OR (Employees.zip3 = Jobs.jobzip))) LEFT JOIN Employers 
> (Jobs.EmpID = Employers.EmpID)
> Now, you can still do it in one query even if you don't change the 
job zip 
> code as I suggested above - you'll have to sub-select the zip from 
> employer table, left as an exercise for the reader...
> As a general rule, if you can make the database do your mix and 
matching, I 
> prefer to do it there rather than in arrays.  In 99% percent of cases 
> database will happily give you exactly what you need if you just ask 
> nicely.
> Michael Sims
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