[nycphp-talk] mysql slow Internet connection trickery

bzcoder bzcoder at
Mon Jun 30 13:58:02 EDT 2008

Allen Shaw wrote:
> Hi Gang,
> Banging my head against this wall, wondered if you all might know 
> something I don't.  (It does happen often, I find.)

Well, it all depends on how you engineer the thing.

But something to look into is "replication"

I used it a lot in Lotus Notes, and you can use it with MySQL.  So if 
you can place your database/web servers local to your clients, they can 
use their local server to make the updates, with everything replicated 
back to a master database.

This is in NO WAY a magic bullet.  Conflicts won't be magically handled, 
but what you will have is that all conflicts will be RECORDED and tracked.

Than you can have one or more people who are authorized to use the "fix" 
functions and go in and flag entrees with the latest timestamp to give 
them preference.

What this does is:
1) Saves you the moaning and groaning about the flaky connection - now 
everyone has a local server which gives them maximum speed.

2) Saves you the hassle of deciding how to flag conflicts and track 
them, instead you just need to implement a PHP solution to rectify the 

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