[nycphp-talk] need help with simple ajax demo project

Hans Kaspersetz hans at
Wed May 21 23:59:31 EDT 2008

Doesn't this entire discussion belong on the Front-End list?  It would 
be nice if the PHP list actually had PHP based discussion.

Hans K

Michael Southwell wrote:
> Rolan Yang wrote:
>> You could probably accomplish the same task without the use of AJAX, 
>> by embedding the answer in the same page and using a rollover 
>> javascript to swap out the image or text. Or you might even be able 
>> to avoid javascript by using :hover and :active in css.
> Sure; but this is an instructional exercise, the point of which is 
> precisely to do it with AJAX (if I can ever figure out why this one 
> doesn't work).

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