[nycphp-talk] submitting two forms with one button - possible?

Rolan Yang rolan at
Thu May 22 11:33:43 EDT 2008

One way would be to do an ajax call to submit the form #1 data to your 
database, then upon acknowledgment of success, do a regular form submit 
to payal (I'm guessing the user is supposed to be redirected to paypal 
to complete the transaction).

The other way would be to do a regular submit, pass all the info (paypal 
also) to a second php page, which processes the form #1 data then does a 
redirect to paypal. You could add the paypal info in the url (not so 
nice) or paste it into a form as hidden variables, then do a javascript  
<body onLoad="document.mypaypalform.submit()"> so that the form is 
automatically submitted on page load. For maximum non-javascript 
compatibility, you should include a <input type="submit" value="Click 
here to continue"> in the form.


Kristina Anderson wrote:
> I have a PHP page with two forms.  One form posts the form data and 
> inserts it into the database.  The second form contains Paypal hidden 
> variables and passes the transaction to the Paypal site.  This has to 
> happen seamlessly with one button and I can't combine the two forms as 
> Paypal form has standard format for their form...
> How to do this?  Can I call the second form submit programmatically at 
> the end of the first form submit in PHP?  Or with Javascript on the 
> second form submit call the first form to be submitted?
> -------------------
> Kristina 
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