[nycphp-talk] submitting two forms with one button - possible?

Rolan Yang rolan at
Fri May 23 21:00:06 EDT 2008

tedd wrote:
> At 8:27 AM -0700 5/22/08, Kristina Anderson wrote:
> Kristina:
> Another consideration is that PayPal provides a link back to your 
> "Thank You page" -- so why not send your variables through PayPal via 
> a GET, such as:
> thankyou.php?<your variables>
> From there you can pick them up and put them in your database.

Nice! The IPN api allows an "other" field which can pass up to 255 
characters, but that is likely not enough for large forms. Your method 
looks like it could allow a lot more. Any idea of the limitations?


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