[nycphp-talk] OT - sound on HTML page

Rolan Yang rolan at
Thu Nov 13 11:11:01 EST 2008

convert it to a .au or .voc file.

Néstor wrote:
> Hi people,
> This is not an PHP question.  It is a question about auto load sound 
> on an html page.
> I am using the following inside an html page but it works on IE but it 
> does not work
> in FF.  FF in rhel5 wants me load a plugin and FF on W2K does nto do 
> anything:
> <embed src='dontworry.mp3' autostart=true volume=90 hidden=TRUE height=0 width=0 />
> <NOEMBED><BGSOUND src="dontworry.mp3"></NOEMBED>
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Nestor :-)

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