[nycphp-talk] [OT] notebook recommendations - last call, Lenovo T400 or T61??

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Tue Oct 7 16:59:58 EDT 2008

Hans Zaunere |nyphp MAIN ONE dev/internal group 
use| wrote:

>>On the (excellent) advice of the PHP community almost 4 years ago, I
>>bought a Thinkpad t42p. I still love it but it's time to plan retirement.
>>Can anyone recommend the Lenovo t61p as a replacement, or is there
>>something clearly better? No, I'm not going to switch to a mac. Thanks.
>I'm not paid, but I would definitely go with another Lenovo.  I have the
>T61P and the only thing I'm waiting for is getting the new T400/T500.

Yes I know I started looking for a new notebook  2 months ago but I've 
been busy! -- now it's "last call" and I wonder if anyone has real-world 
experience with the new T400 vs. the T61?

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