[nycphp-talk] XSL with RSS 2.0

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Thu Oct 30 08:31:09 EDT 2008

Guys I am having a bit of a problem here.

I have an RSS 2.0 Feed that I am trying to style up with XSL and it is  
not working properly.  It seems that it is not picking up the XSL  
document that I have created.
I finally figured out the problem that was keeping it from picking up  
the XSL document and that is when I put the
<rss version="2.0">
tag into my RSS it set's the mime type to application/xml+xhtml and  
that is what throws things off.

What I need to know is if there is a way to make XSL work while still  
including the <rss> tag.

Joseph Crawford

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