[nycphp-talk] Foo_Shape_Circle class naming convention from where?

Paul M Jones pmjones88 at
Tue Sep 2 21:06:05 EDT 2008

On Sep 2, 2008, at 19:29 , Michael B Allen wrote:

> I'm just curious but does anyone know what the origin of the class
> underscore per-directory naming convention used by some frameworks is?
> Meaning, a class with a name like:
>  Zend_Auth_Adapter_Ldap
> would have a script file path that ends with:
>  /Zend/Auth/Adapter/Ldap.php

To the best of my knowledge, it originated in the PEAR project ...

... and it was adopted by lots of other projects thereafter, not just  

> Also, do people sense a trend in the PHP community to follow this  
> convention?

I do; but then, I am biased in favor of it..  ;-)

> If you were to encounter a library that used this convention, would it
> be considered a positive quality?

I would.


Paul M. Jones

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