[nycphp-talk] PHP hosting and standard tool-chain for newbie?

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Thu Apr 23 13:39:34 EDT 2009

On Apr 23, 2009, at 12:24 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> iWeb is great for point-click page composition, and of course it's
> integreated with iPhoto, iMovie, and Garage Band. Like MySpace on
> steroids!
> Transmit is the best Mac SFTP/FTPS client for Mac if your hosting
> provider doesn't support the WebDAV scheme that iWeb uses.

If you're not married to point-and-click/WYSIWYG HTML authoring, I've  
recently become a pretty big fan of Coda, another product from the  
makers of Transmit:

I pretty slick editor, with well-thought-out bells and whistles.  Nice  
preview mode via WebKit.  Built-in FTP/SFTP/WebDAV works fine.   
Integrates nicely with subversion.  Nice CSS editing facilities...  
Overall pretty nice.  I ponied up my $99 recently after using  
TextWrangler/CyberDuck or emacs for years and years.

For a stand-alone FTP client, Transmit seems to be the gold standard.   
I've never used it, myself, instead relying on the free, and adequate,  

For someone young, it's probably not a bad idea to encourage writing  
markup by hand. 

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