[nycphp-talk] Remote addess

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Thu Apr 30 03:39:54 EDT 2009

On Apr 29, 2009, at 10:53 PM, John Campbell wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Michele Waldman  
> <mmwaldman at> wrote:
>> Does anyone know how to configure the server to allow remote access?
> There is never a valid reason to include remote files, but if you
> really want to do it, just enable allow_url_fopen and
> allow_url_include

That's almost always right.

Aside from some very, very narrow circumstances, this is a bad, bad,  
bad, idea.

Even when it's not an awful idea, it should still make you very nervous.

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