[nycphp-talk] Help with a CakePHP View

Randal Rust randalrust at
Thu Apr 30 14:46:00 EDT 2009

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Daniel Convissor
<danielc at> wrote:

>> $whereClause = '`District`.`id` = "' .
>> $this->mrClean->sql($this->passedArgs[0]) . '"';
>> $this->set('district', $this->District->find($whereClause));

> I'll bet you a beer that it's because there's no record in the database
> with a matching record.  So that means either $this->passedArgs[0] isn't
> being set or is set to a value that doesn't equal a value in the
> column of the table.

You owe me a beer:)

I've checked all of that. What's even more strange is that I found out
that for 3 of the 20 records the view will actually work. The others,
no luck. I have tried all sorts of options on this and simply cannot
discover why the view fails in most cases. I even tried this:

$this->District->findById(35); //which works
$this->District->findById(141); //which fails

However, if I do this:

$this->District->query("select * from districts as District where id='35'");


$this->District->query("select * from districts as District where id='141'");

Both of those work, but it gives me the data in an array that doesn't
work with the data structure that has been set up.

Randal Rust
R.Squared Communications

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