[nycphp-talk] Working with designers

Brian O'Connor gatzby3jr at
Thu Aug 20 11:22:56 EDT 2009

I think I misled you.  The "company" is only 3 people.  Me, the other
developer, and the designer.

The designer has absolutely no programming experience.  He's an art major
from college.  It would be much quicker and more efficient for us to take
the day to translate his work in to html than it would be for him to gain
the 6+ years that me and the other developer have in HTML/CSS/Javascript.

My point was - it depends on your situation.  Our situation doesn't allow
our designer to do it for us, so we do it.  It's not a huge deal, it's about
finding what works best between the people you have.

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Ajai Khattri <ajai at> wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Aug 2009, Brian O'Connor wrote:
> > That really depends on how your environment is set up.  If there is no
> > "Production department" then that very well may be the job of the
> > developer.  I work with one other 'developer' and one 'designer' on all
> of
> > our projects.  The designer hands us a PSD, and one of us is left to
> > translate it in to html/css/javascript.
> I beieve if you dont have production people then the designer should
> step up the plate instead punting this to your developers.
> --
> Aj.
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> New York PHP User Group Community Talk Mailing List

Brian O'Connor
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