[nycphp-talk] Advice on OOP & Frameworks

lists at lists at
Tue Aug 25 12:06:12 EDT 2009

Hall, Leam wrote:
> Some years ago I took the SAGE list for systems administrators as a set
> of goals. It broke down what sorts of things you should be able to do as
> a beginner, intermediate, and advanced sysadmin. Not everyone does their
> best with a structure but I certainly do.

Wow, that must have taken some work. I like structure myself, as long as
it's not too rigid. I only wish there'd been more of it when I was first
learning to do front-end coding years ago.

> Main things are what sorts of things folks should be able to do at what
> levels. The "Apprentice", "Journeyman", and "Master" levels work for
> lots of things, but what would each person need to be able to do?

I keep a simple web design reading list online for print designers & and
aspiring coders/web designers that come to some of the forums I
participate in. It's an easy way to point them toward the kinds of
things they'll need to know, but I really like your "levels" approach.

I've also developed a couple of checklists for things like launching
(static) web sites and migrating dynamic sites. The latter is revised
each time I (screw up and) learn something new about PHP/MySQL & other
back-end issues.


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