[nycphp-talk] Advice on setting for testing server

lists at lists at
Tue Aug 25 14:40:32 EDT 2009

Joelle Tegwen wrote:
> Here's my advice that others have not already covered.
> 1) Take the time to figure out how to move your /home to another partition.

I saw a reference to that the other day while searching for something
else and made a mental not that I needed to come back to it. The fact
that you've pointed out it's importance is a big help. I think I'll make
that my next thing to learn.

> 2) I use E_ALL | E_STRICT. Then you know you're good regardless of the
> production server settings.

That makes sense.

> 3) Find a way to reproduce the environment on your machine. This caused
> me no end of headaches at first because it took me days to finally
> remember all of the applications I needed installed and figuring out how
> they were configured different.
> I created two files....

Joelle, thank you soooo much for sharing this--you've undoubtedly saved
me hours (maybe even days) of aggravation with your script & config
settings! *happy dance*



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