[nycphp-talk] Need help understanding NULL

lists at lists at
Sat Aug 29 21:11:34 EDT 2009

Kristina D. H. Anderson wrote:
> Let's take a basic example, you design a database table and you 
> describe your LastName field as NOT NULL.
> That means that every time you do an insert into the table, the field 
> LastName MUST contain a value of some sort.  The purpose of that is 
> basically to ensure that any query, unless it contains all of the 
> required values, will error out if you attempt to do the insert without 
> having a value in that field.

But in the case of a form, wouldn't you be validating the input before
trying to insert the record? Sorry if I seem dense--I must be
misunderstanding something.

> In most cases, not all cases, on INSERT, an empty string i.e. '' is not 
> considered a NULL value, but an empty string which will result in ... 
> empty string being stored in your database, but the field 
> will not show as NULL.  When you pull that out of the database, some 
> languages will treat that as a NULL value and some will treat it as an 
> empty string.
> Or, in your database, you can specify NULL as the default value for the 
> field, and therefore if you skip it in an insert, it will default to 
> NULL.  The design of the database depends on the needs of the 
> application.

This is really good to know. I guess that answers my previous question
above. :)

> As a test of how PHP treats NULL vs. empty strings with your database, 
> Create values of NULL, ' ' (a string containing a space), '' (an empty 
> string) and pull them out into variables and then you can begin to 
> determine how, in your application, they are being treated.

Now that you guys have given me a better understanding of things, I'm
going to do exactly as you suggested--create a table with some NULL
values and try playing around to see what happens.

> In most cases, you should see NULLs and empty strings look very 
> similar...but not always.  And the devil is definitely in the details, 

Yes, the devil is definitely in the details. I can't tell you how many
times I've lost a night's sleep over something small. For me, it usually
has to do with logic/sequence, but sometimes it's something really
stupid like:

Creating a field/variable named desc and spending hours trying to figure
out why MySQL was balking at my query with its typically enigmatic error
messages. When it finally dawned on me what my mistake was I think I
invented some entirely new curse words just for that occasion! LOL

Or like the time (very recently) when I was converting timestamps to
calculate the number of days between two given dates. I used the
number_format() function so the number of days display nicely to the
user, but then couldn't figure out why records with more than 999
weren't behaving properly (they were supposed to show up in different
colors as expiration dates approached, and notices of pending
expirations were also to be emailed). I checked, doubled checked, and
triple checked my math because numbers are not my friends, but I
couldn't find anything wrong. The problem? The comma that
number_format() was inserting. Duh. Once I switched to using the round()
and restricted using number_format() only to display things at the end
after all calculations had been done, everything was just fine.

> especially if your application is talking to other platforms that may 
> handle these values differently.

Again, very good to know.

> It can help you to understand NULL, if you contemplate the difference 
> between an empty string '' and NULL.  NULL is not a string because it's 
> undetermined. But an empty string is a string that contains, well, 
> nothing, but it is not NULL.

Got it. Thanks for your help, Kristina.


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