[nycphp-talk] Firefox 3.5.5 not rendering PHP

Tom Sartain tomsartain at
Fri Dec 4 13:15:00 EST 2009

First off, try testing in another browser because I doubt that this is a
Firefox specific issue.

Second, try putting a static HTML page on the server and requesting that. It
should show up fine.

Third, and really, this should be one of the first things you always do,
check the error logs for Apache and PHP. Chances are that there is something
in there that would tell you what it causing the problem. Initial guesses
would be that either Apache is throwing an error while trying to load PHP or
that the content type and/or handler for .php files is not being set

One other thing to check on is whether the PHP code is actually executing.
Try putting some error_logs or writing to a file or anything that you can
verify outside of a browser. If these things happen, then it is a problem of
Apache not knowing how to serve the file, not whether it should be executed
or not.

Try these things first, then let us know of anything you find. I can almost
guarantee that it is an Apache configuration issue.
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