[nycphp-talk] MongoDB and others, convince me. :-)

Brian O'Connor gatzby3jr at
Fri Dec 4 13:47:37 EST 2009

This might be a bit of a side topic, but does anyone have any good resources
to read about this noSQL stuff?  I've looked VERY briefly at MongoDB, but
didn't think it was anything that amazingly fantastical that everyone seems
to be talking about.  But if it is the next generation, I'd like to be on


On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at> wrote:

> DISCLAIMER: I'm a certified Oracle8 DBA, so don't think I'm some young
> web developer who doesn't know data modeling or relational theory.
> Here's my passionate plea ;-)
> For CMS/WCM purposes, there's nothing better. I know of a site that is
> in the millions of views daily that has nothing but MongoDB on the
> backend, and not only is performance great but so is ease of code
> maintenance. The performance benefits have been so significant that
> they implemented real-time analytics as well - and they don't cache
> anything coming in from MongoDB, as there's no need.
> For commerce systems, you still have separate "tables" for users,
> products and orders. What you don't have is a third normal form schema
> with 45,000 tables and a massive performance and maintenance headache.
> I've launched a commerce site myself very recently that sustains 900
> requests per second. Absolutely sure this would not have worked as
> well with a relational engine under the hood.
> I'd go as far as to say that the next-generation document databases
> are doing a lot to challenge the norms. Remember when foreign keys
> were considered essential for data integrity? Remember when a database
> was only considered ready when it was fully ACID and ANSI SQL
> compliant?
> Think again. Part of me hates this transition, because I've spent the
> past 20 years really mastering the horse and buggy; but these jet
> planes sure are fast, and they do change the game. Just don't try to
> ride one like a horse!
> -- Mitch
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> New York PHP Users Group Community Talk Mailing List

Brian O'Connor
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