[nycphp-talk] TestFest and PHP QA at NYPHP

David Krings ramons at
Sun Feb 8 12:23:39 EST 2009

Hans Zaunere wrote:
> Hi - no takers on this, folks?


Since I am a QA professional I am interested in it, but being in Sc'dy and the 
event taking place in NYC distance comes in the way. Besides that, we are 
short before a release at work and I currently are over my head in system 
tests while spending my sparse amounts of time at home on a book translation 
that was planned to be done by the end of last December. So time comes in the 
way as well at least for assisting in organizing it. Attending is a different 
issue, but that is influenced by date and time of the event as well as 
personal funding (NYC isn't a half hour drive and if it is in Manhattan, 
Brooklyn, or Queens I won't drive my car there).

In my case it is the same reasons why I only appear on this mailing list and 
don't attend the UG meetings, but in neither case it is because of desinterest.


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