[nycphp-talk] slow php

Nicholas Hart nhart at
Fri Feb 13 15:31:58 EST 2009

I have a php 'cron job' script which is inserting some records.  It uses
arrays to store 12 field records along with several nested loops in which it
tests various currency values from a separate 4 field table and sorts them
to get the lowest one for insert into a new 4 field table record.  It has
about 640,000 Product records per 4 Customers or apporx. 2.4 million records
to insert.  It takes several hours+ to complete and I am hoping there is a
way to speed it up.

So far, I've tried updating instead of inserting records and changing a few
functions but nothing seems to make much difference.  Am I being
unreasonable for the size of the files here?  I'm considering using a
Derived Table in mySQL and will also consider another language such as
python.  Please let me know if you have any suggestions.  Thanks.

Nicholas Hart
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