[nycphp-talk] Can I set the response code if a PHP Fatal error occurs?

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Tue Feb 17 18:18:44 EST 2009

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 10:09:25AM -0500, Daniel Horning wrote:
> Something as simple as an "ErrorDocument 200 /path/to/other.notify.script"
> in htaccess or in apache conf should allow you to reach this goal

An application I work on uses JSON to communicate.  I've adjusted our 
.htaccess file to print out a JSON string.  Note: pick only ONE, 
depending on which version of Apache is in play.  Note: remove line wrap.

In Apache 1.3:

   ErrorDocument 500 "var response = {"code":500,"message":"Apache
   server error"};

In Apache >= 2.0:

   ErrorDocument 500 "var response = {\"code\":500,\"message\":\"Apache
   server error\"};"


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