[nycphp-talk] PHP scripts running in JBoss

Jake McGraw jmcgraw1 at
Mon Feb 23 15:44:24 EST 2009

Try using this:

- jake

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Artur Marnik <artur at> wrote:
> Hi All
> In my company we are using Linux servers where we have PHP, mysql and all
> other nice stuff. My new manager is a Java guy and he always worked with
> Java and his new idea is to move all our stuff to Jboss. There is only one
> problem - we don't have enough time to migrate all of our PHP code to some
> Java stuff and he wants to install PHP servlet inside jboss to serve PHP
> content. Idea is ok but all info I could find in google is how to do it in
> Windows :( and all php5servlets that I found are for windows
> (php5servlet.dll). Has anyone ever done something similar and have an idea
> at least where to start?
> Thanks
> Artur
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