[nycphp-talk] spreading php out

Brent Baisley brenttech at
Mon Jan 26 10:10:26 EST 2009

I don't think you need to strip anything down. Apache/PHP/MySQL would
run just fine on a G4 in their standard setup, just some standard
configuration tweaking.
The hardware would actually be a good setup to optimize your code,
which is where the biggest slow downs usually occur. If it runs fine
on a G4, it will run great on better hardware.
Also, if you are running OSX, especially and older version, the
bottleneck could be the operating system. Older versions of OSX didn't
have fine grained locking of system resources (i.e. networking), so
the slowdowns occur because of locking and waiting, not because of CPU
load. OSX is getting better, but still has a little ways to go.

Brent Baisley

On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 11:20 PM, Jesse Callaway <bonsaime at> wrote:
> I was about to install php on a G4 I have and thought I should maybe
> go lightweight with it. Really I'm sure it can handle Apache 2 just
> fine, since it's just for development... but why not make it fun?
> So I took a look at going with lighttpd from the php manual and the
> setup that that would entail. What really struck me was that fastcgi
> can take a network socket as well as the traditional file socket.
> Here's an excerpt from the manual:
> Connecting to remote FCGI instances
> Fastcgi instances can be spawned on multiple remote machines in order
> to scale applications.
> Example #3 Connecting to remote php-fastcgi instances
> fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
>   (( "host" => "", "port" => 1030 ),
>    ( "host" => "", "port" => 1030 ))
> )
> Whoa! Has anyone done this? I understand php isn't probably what's
> killing your CPU, rather, it's the database... but I was psyched to
> stumble upon this anyway in case it ever comes up in the future.
> More people are probably familiar with traditional load balancing
> using Apache 1 stripped down. I'm interested to see if anyone's
> stripping it *all the way* down like in this example.
> -jesse
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