[nycphp-talk] where in filesystem to install php application

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Wed Jul 1 13:11:47 EDT 2009

On Wed, 1 Jul 2009, Eddie Drapkin wrote:

> Every application that I run is a new user that doesn't have
> permission to r/w out of its /home/ so that collaboration with people
> on several projects means no one's snooping anyone else's sourcecode.
> The apache user is in all of their groups, for obvious reasons :P

Not that that stops application *code* from snooping other folders... :-)

Generally, if the whole server is dedicated to one app, then I would just 
create a user and put the application under that. Since the whole server 
is dedicated to the app, you can make sym links to different versions (a 
la Rails deployment) and organize the folders any way you like.

For shared hosting, these days I create folders named after the domain 
under /home/vhosts (i.e. /home/vhosts/, inside each I have the 
usual cgi-bin, htdocs and logs folders and an etc folder for files that 
should never be web-accessible. For most modern frameworks, like Cake or 
symfony, most of the code lies in etc, with only images, css, 
Javascript and the front controllers in htdocs. This setup is similar to 
mail server setups using qmail with vpopmail, where all the mailboxes live 
under /home/vpopmail/domains.


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