[nycphp-talk] best way to run script?

Jesse Callaway bonsaime at
Sat Jul 25 21:23:37 EDT 2009

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 12:13 AM, Konstantin Rozinov<krozinov at> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm trying to run the same php script via the command line interface
> on several remote servers.
> I'd like to do it securely preferably over ssh.  Right now, I'm using
> the ssh2 class from php, but getting very inconsistent results
> (sometimes the script runs, sometimes it doesn't via ssh2_exec)
> What do people use to run scripts on production machines?
> Thanks,
> Konstantin
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> New York PHP User Group Community Talk Mailing List

Dunno if this thread is dead or not, but see what you make of fabric.
It's supposed to be pretty handy for running the same command on
multiple machines. You edit and execute the fabric script locally. It
then goes out and does your bidding on the remotes.

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