[nycphp-talk] Learned one CMS and want to move on.

Anthony Wlodarski ant92083 at
Mon Jul 27 16:06:11 EDT 2009

I have been lucky/unfortunate to have acquired quite a lot of knowledge
about a certain CMS (Drupal).  Now although I built a pretty cool website
and have tackled a lot of the scalability issues I believe I have learned
all that I can from the software and would like to move on.  Currently I am
in a situation where our company keeps pulling in clients that are stuck on
Drupal as a buzzword but don't think about the future of their website and
the scalability of the CMS itself.  What are some recommended tactics when
it comes to dealing with superiors and the displeasure of your current
projects?  Also how do you keep yourself from being pigeonholed into a
project because you have a vast repository of knowledge on the matter?

I feel that no matter how many times I discuss with my manager how much I
want to move on and learn new technology I am going to be stuck in the same
situation forever, I see new projects roll in and hope they get assigned to
me but then I just see them float along and then I see a whole bunch of
To-Do's with Drupal filling in my inbox.  Is it time to find a new job?
Anthony W.
ant92083 at
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