[nycphp-talk] Best Cell Phone for a PHP Programmer

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Tue Jul 28 20:31:00 EDT 2009

On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Chris Snyder wrote:

> That's one ( and it builds cross-platform apps,
> too. Very nice, have you used it?

Ive been playing with it for a couple months. Anyone built a real app with 

> Of all the latest phone OSes, Android seems the most capable as far as
> having the freedom to get the phone to do exactly what you want. If
> you don't like the music player it ships with, you can build a better
> one without sacrificing the ability to play tracks in the background.
> The only caveat is that you'll be building it in Java.

Yes, it seems to have the most freedom. With the release of the NDK, 
porting C code becomes much easier too. I expect to see more langauages 
and scripting tools to appear eventually on Android. It also seems to be 
moving pretty fast - Cupcake is out and Donut is just round the corner.

> The Pre sounds like it's the easiest in which to build rich apps. Has
> anyone here actually tried the SDK yet?

Unfortunately it requires Leopard (I have Tiger) and my Linux box disk 
died. But I have the 'official' book from O'Reilly which Im working 
through. App structure resembles Rails. The OS gives you a lot of built-in 
functionality with very little coding. It supports HTML 5 so you can use 
databases client-side.


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