[nycphp-talk] Best Cell Phone for a PHP Programmer

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Jul 31 12:05:58 EDT 2009

On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Peter Sawczynec wrote:

> So, as I see it -- natively Android will only sync with Outlook
> Contacts.
> So can one get full Outlook Contacts/Email/Tasks sync to myTouch.
> Does one ad hoc this by first, setup a google Calendar. 
> Sync Outlook to Calendar. Calendar to myTouch.

Yes, that's sounds right.

BTW, I recieved my myToouch yesterday. Its smaller and lighter than I 
thought (slightly smaller than an iPhone). Feels nice in your hand. The 
screen is gorgeous. I added data service online (by logging into my 
account on and I was online in a few minutes. This means I 
kept my current cheap voice plan as is and just slotted by old SIM card 
into the new phone (iPhones are sealed, so you get a new SIM card 

The interface is very snappy (faster than my dumbphone which was 
suprising). Basically, I love it and Im very happy with my choice.


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