[nycphp-talk] updating code from php 3 to 5.2.6: pity me!

Brent Baisley brenttech at
Sat Jun 6 07:28:47 EDT 2009

Egads!!! It's time to throw the whole program out and start from  
scratch. It would probably be quicker, easier and more stable in the  
long run just to start over.

On Jun 5, 2009, at 2:37 PM, David Mintz wrote:

> Just want you all to feel sorry for me for a second.
> Once upon a time, in the days of PHP3, someone coded a site (ok, it  
> was me). Besides being a poster child for some of the world's worst  
> practices, this code presumes register_globals and does a  lot of  
> other long-deprecated things. At long last, I am migrating to  a new  
> host and updating to PHP5. And discovering, for example, that  
> there's no such thing as HTTP_POST_VARS any more.  I am also  
> introducing a nifty new language construct knowns as 'foreach.'  
> Gonna to be doing a lot of grepping and perl -i -p -e '/bad code/ 
> good code/g' today.
> End of whine.
> -- 
> David Mintz
> The subtle source is clear and bright
> The tributary streams flow through the darkness
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