[nycphp-talk] APC for a custom PHP session handler

Steve Manes smanes at
Wed Mar 25 00:03:11 EDT 2009

John Campbell wrote:
> Don't do it.  It is either a solution to a problem you don't have, or
> the wrong solution.  APC has one datastore per server, which will be a
> disaster once you have more than 1 front end machine, or if you have
> to restart the webserver then all your users will get logged out.

I'm aware that it's a single server solution.  So is the stock /tmp 
session storage.  However most web sites are single server and are 
unlikely ever to be clustered so there's definitely a "market" for it. 
Worst case, since PHP's session support is so well partitioned, if you 
should need to cluster later you can always return to a database 
solution for session support without affecting your application code.

I'm just floating an idea here.  If you're already employing APC, using 
its user cache space for session data store would save one round trip to 
the database per session-targeted page request, which isn't insignificant.

I'm just wondering if there are some other reasons for not using APC for 

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