[nycphp-talk] Implementing Version Control

Paul A Houle paul at
Mon Mar 30 09:45:15 EDT 2009

Rob Marscher wrote:
> I'd say look into a hosted version control service.
> My favorites for svn version control (which would let Windows users 
> use Tortoise, Mac users use Versions or command-line, and Linux users 
> use a number of different clients -- all can also use plugins within 
> Eclipse) are and
> GitHub seems to be everyone's favorite for using git version control - 
>  Git might be the right solution for you if you are 
> dealing with a team that is very spread out because developers don't 
> have to worry about conflicts as much and you are more in control of 
> what changes make it into the final code.
    Personally I love using git on the unix command line.  At the moment 
I'm using it in a mode very similar to CVS:  I've got a central 
repository and multiple instances of the  software that are pushed and 
pulled to it.  If anything,  I find git on the command line to be easier 
than CVS.

    My understanding is that GUI clients for git are currently pretty 
immature,  particularly on Windows,  which might be a problem for some.

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