[nycphp-talk] Using APC to improve performance.

Konstantin Rozinov krozinov at
Tue Mar 31 17:15:37 EDT 2009

In one of the slides, it says Facebook uses around 640,000 user
objects/variables to and from their APC cache.

Anyone have any ideas why so many variables?  With over 200 million
users I would think 640k would be too few if the objects pertained to
individual users...


On 3/31/09, Konstantin Rozinov <krozinov at> wrote:
> Thanks for the tips Che and Tom.  I will try the debugging tools to
> see where the bottlenecks are.  I've got apc.stat set to 0, but the
> largest # of includes in the application is only about 8 in some
> files, so I wouldn't expect it to make that much of difference, but
> every little bit counts :)
> I found these presentations, which have some good pointers, but lack a
> lot of details.  Sample code or pseudo-code would've been nice to see:
> Konstantin
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:49 AM, Tom Melendez <tom at> wrote:
>>> 4. Any links to really good APC howtos or tutorials would be greatly
>>> appreciated!
>> Not at all what you asked, but....
>> If you're using absolute paths in your require/include files and you
>> turn this off you should see gains:
>> In setting it to zero, you tell it not to stat the file.  If you are
>> using some beefy framework with lots of includes this can be a big
>> win.
>> Leave it set to 1 for development though.
>> Thanks,
>> Tom
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