[nycphp-talk] Help with a CakePHP View

Nate Abele nate at
Fri May 1 09:14:28 EDT 2009

> Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 11:10:16 -0400
> From: Randal Rust <randalrust at>
> To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] Help with a CakePHP View
> [snip]
> $whereClause = '`District`.`id` = "' .
> $this->mrClean->sql($this->passedArgs[0]) . '"';
> $this->set('district', $this->District->find($whereClause));
> $this->passedArgs[0] is an integer, the ID of the record.

Hi Randall,

This may or may not fix your problem, but your query syntax is wrong.   
Depending on your Cake version, you'll either want this:

$district = $this->District->find(array("" => $this- 
- or -
$district = $this->District->find('first', array('conditions' =>  
array("" => $this->passedArgs[0])));

However, using findById should do effectively the same thing, so why  
not use that?

Also, since whatever's in $passedArgs gets passed as parameters to the  
action, you could really just do this (assuming this code is called in  
an action:

function view($id = null) {
	// ...
	$district = $this->District->findById($id);

Hope that helps,

- Nate Abele
   Lead Developer, CakePHP

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