[nycphp-talk] $_SESSION, Logout, and Shared Host

Ron Guerin ron at
Wed Nov 4 21:51:54 EST 2009

Christopher R. Merlo wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 8:16 PM, Tim Lieberman <tim_lists at
> <mailto:tim_lists at>> wrote:
>     It sounds like both applications are running on the same domain.
>      If that's not the case, something else is going on.
> They are running on the same domain.
>     You have a couple of options, none of which might make you happy.
>     1) In your app, use a custom session name
>     (session_name('MYSESSID') before you call session_start()).
> Judging from the errors I got, it seems like I may have to do that
> before *every* call to session_start(), which is Big Oh of the amount
> of work in adding a layer to $_SESSION.

>     However, a global find/replace to replace $_SESSION with
>     $_SESSION['someKey'] will probably do the trick, and not be too
>     painful.
> Yeah, I can do that with find, xargs, and sed.  Thanks for the advice.

You could also use those tools to replace "session_start();" with
"session_name('whatever'); session_start();"

- Ron

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