[nycphp-talk] Advice on CodeWorks Conference Tracks

lists at lists at
Fri Oct 2 16:12:06 EDT 2009

Hi Everyone,

I'm going to the CodeWorks conference this weekend and was just taking a
look at the final lineup of tracks that'll be offered.

Since it's not required that I stick to one track, I'm going to jump
around. For the most part I chose things that I want to know more about,
but in some cases (the ones preceded by asterisks below) I'm not at all
sure what to go for. I don't want to waste time attending something
that's going to be totally over my head, but OTOH I don't want to miss
something important just because I'm too inexperienced to realize it's
important, y'know?

I'd appreciate any advice you can offer on what might be most beneficial
for me at this stage. Also, if you think that the choices I DID make
might not be optimal, kindly let me know that also.


Tutorial Day
9:00am - Security in PHP Projects
(Other tracks - Quality Assurance in PHP Projects, Advanced OOP and
Design Patterns)

1:00pm - Zend Framework
(Other tracks - PHP Code Review, Developing DB-Driven Websites)

Conference Day
9:00am - Five Things I Wish They'd Told Me
(Other tracks - Extreme Scale with Thin Server Architecture, The
CodeIgniter Framework)

*11:15am - The Hidden Gems in HTTP / Andrei's Regex Clinic
(Other track - Security-Centered Design)

12:15pm - Out With Regex, In With Tokens
(Other tracks - Alternative Databases, Interactive Media in ur RIAz with
Silverlight and PHP)

1:15pm - Time = Money
(Other tracks - PHP Oracle Web Applications: Best Practices and Caching
Strategies, Building RIAs with Flex and PHP, Part One)

*2:15pm - Webservice Design with AtomPub / Desktop RIAs with PHP & AIR
(Other track - Building RIAs with Flex and PHP, Part Two)

*3:30pm - Stupid Browser Tricks / PECL Exploration
(Other track - All the Little Pieces: Distributed Systems with PHP)

*4:30pm - Design Patterns in PHP / Fun with Maps and PHP / Debugging
with Xdebug - (I'm thinking maybe I should go with Design Patters, but
I'm not sure I'll be able to understand what they're talking about...?)

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