[nycphp-talk] Drupal Framework / CMS Question

webmaster at webmaster at
Fri Oct 9 00:12:22 EDT 2009

Hello NYPHP,

I have seen a few posts here about DRUPAL and decided to take a look
at it to see if it might be useful for some of my projects.

I noticed a few days ago that someone did a Twitter post and said that
DRUPAL is what you use when you are a "failed" programmer. From what I
can see so far, DRUPAL seems to be a "core" that pretty much takes
care of all the "busy work" that you would normally have to spend huge
amounts of time on if you were programming a site from scratch, i.e.
user authorization, permissions, etc. etc. I don't see that this makes
for the argument that anyone who uses it is a "failed" programmer and
if that is indeed true, what makes cumbersome frameworks like CAKE or
equivalent software not fall into the same "failed" programmer

I realize that this was a "shoot from the hip" comment but would
really like to hear other opinions about it. So far, I don't see the
correlation between DRUPAL and "failed" programmer, what am I missing?

TIA for any comments.

Best regards,
 Webmaster                          mailto:webmaster at

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