[nycphp-talk] using PHP to import large-ish SQL into mysql

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Wed Oct 21 09:52:54 EDT 2009

Le Oct 21, 2009 à 9:08 PM, Damion Hankejh a écrit :

> Sounds familiar to an issue I had with uninformative 500 Internal  
> Server errors -- my script was timing out.  Check your max script  
> execution time with:
> echo ini_get('max_execution_time');
> Extend it with:
> set_time_limit($seconds); // has no effect if running safe_mode

Yeah, to rule that out, in this case, I had set the max_execution_time  
to zero, which is supposed to mean there is no limit.  phpinfo() says  
it's set to 0.


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