[nycphp-talk] independent contractors and OSS

Allen Shaw allen at
Tue Sep 8 15:19:35 EDT 2009

Hi All,

I'm looking for ideas on putting an "open source clause" into my 
development contracts.  (Sure I'll talk it out with my attorney, but I 
want to come to him with something better than "please think about this 
and bill me for your ruminations.")

All I want (ha!) is to get paid for my labor /and/ to have the option of 
then releasing that work under an Open Source license.  Sure, it's not 
appropriate for many clients, but I think many of my existing clients 
wouldn't care.

My main concern here is based on the notion that my typical development 
work is "work for hire" and thus IP developed in the course of that work 
belongs to the client, not to me.

Anyway, I'm not fishing for a debate about licensing terms or contract 
law.  I'm just wondering if anyone here does or has done jobs like this, 
and how you a) explain it to your clients verbally, and b) phrase it 


- A.

Allen Shaw

"Data Management, Web Applications, and the Meaning of Life"

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