[nycphp-talk] SOA Definition/Explination?

Leam Hall leam at
Mon Sep 21 18:27:29 EDT 2009

I'm posting this for a friend. She does some teaching for Systems 
Engineering. The big SE, not the MCSE type stuff. Her request is for a 2 
page introduction to SOA that's not in geekish.

If you're curious, INCOSE --




Does anyone know of a good top-level overview, geared toward systems 
engineers, of the Service-Oriented Architecture concept? (I.e. geared 
toward INCOSE-type SEs, not Microsoft-type SEs).

The Wikipedia entry isn't bad, but I'd love to have a concise 2-page 
discussion I can give out to my students. Unfortunately, most 
discussions, however much they try to be overviews, tend to aim for the 
web guru...things like "idempotent" "stateful service", "registry", 
"partition your usage scenarios", (even "maximizes business agility") 
make it difficult to read the overview if you don't already know what 
you are talking about, and I'm looking for an overview specifically for 
people who don't know what it means. I want them to start seeing how 
what they do does and does not already use SOA concepts, so they have to 
know what those concepts are without actually doing software development 
for the web.


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