[nycphp-talk] Deploying PHP Applications

Paul A Houle paul at
Thu Apr 29 13:52:02 EDT 2010

Jeremy Hise wrote:
> Ok so it's not crazy to put an svn client on a production server for this
> purpose.
> Thanks for the tip!
    Although it drives certain IT people bonkers,  I think it's a very 
wise thing to put a version control client on your server.

    I would have a problem with letting it be CVS--,  I mean "svn".

    Although "svn" superficially improves on CVS in some ways,  my 
experience is that the CVS branching model is a perfect match for the 
challenges that I've faced in developing web systems that evolve.  That 
branching model can be emulated easily in git,  and that's what I use today.

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