[nycphp-talk] PHP, Mobile, Pads, Readers, Other Programming Languages

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Thu Dec 2 09:58:28 EST 2010

On Dec 2, 2010, at 6:01 AM, Peter Sawczynec wrote:
> I'm just making a general call for you to share any info/war story/opinion regarding any tools/IDEs/projects/classes/functions involving/not involving PHP or how you have used server-side PHP-based technology in any combination with others tools/languages to create:  

I've been using Appcelerator Titanium Mobile for cross-platform iPhone and Android native app development.  It's uses javascript to abstract the native language - which is nice because you can write once for multiple platforms (doesn't support as many as PhoneGap - but as far as I can tell, produces a more native-feel app).  I then create JSON apis on the server running php for anything that needs server storage/interaction.  They're about to launch a 1.5 version with some major enhancements (and improved documentation/guides).  I definitely recommend checking it out when that is released.

> PHP browser detection (mobile[android,iphone,blackberry,symbian]/desktop/iPad/other pads/book readers)

I saw the latest Zend Framework added some abstraction for PHP browser detection which sounds ideal.  I have been using WURFL - but it's fairly heavy and complicated to setup.  The new library in Zend Framework can still plugin into the WURFL data which is cool.

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